oggie... so was cleaning room... still abit shag... but there are some 'vintage' stuff i found while cleaning my room.... just feel like posting it up for fun...(ya i know... i bo liao.... cannot ar??!!)
ahhh... it brought back memories~~~ suddenly feel so old sia... since these things like at least 10 yrs old liao... dang!!! there are so many crappy stuff in my room~~~~
my fav book!! lost the paper cover le... sad case~
izzit cute or wat!!! itsa like *looking at u* "huh??"
some 'N' lvl art project tat i help my fr do... some fabric printing thingy... everything i do but she get the marks..... this is the 'positive' print....
another version.... 'negative' print...
multi plastic file... sianZz.. chipped le....
exercise book~~ my handwriting.... jialat... sebei ugly~~ oh ya... and i hate my form teacher... lol~~!!!
compo book... super thin book.... always hav to buy new one... waste lui ar......
sec sch exercise book....
change in handwriting.. but still sucks... prefer the current writing style now.... super messy cannot read de... wahahhah!!!
this proof sth... i got do work in sch de hor......
looking at it.... i really dun understand wat ima writing or wat the hell am i doing..... I HATE MATHS!!~~~
zip lock bag!! another lame gift~!!
oggie.. lame... last sentence... now i think... "err.. ya rite...."
will post other stuff(like bb and SS boxes) next time(will be about pics.. less words... i will be less Nag-gy)... for now... enough le ba....
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