feel like crap now... big rain today... hav to work will soggy shoes... work load was slow... hav to find things to do... dreadful.... then on the way hm just before reach my freaking bus stop.. involve in traffic accident... wow.. wat a day....sianZz... half my soul gone liao... till now i still feel uneasy... think not gonna hav a good nite slp le... thinking of taking valium... but nah.. wait tml cant wake up...
wow.... almost 2 month nv blog liao lor... been so freaking busy with work tat everyday once hm just head to bed le.... but no matter... gonna quit soon anyway... serving my notice now.. then freedom!!!
so freaking tired for the past 2 months... even weekends are spent just dozing off in bed... kinda like no life sia... kinda used to it also lah.... been like tat for how many month? dun even wanna rmb... just wanna 'hibernate' once my notice is due....
other aspects of life... hmm... got its ups and downs... but whois isn't? lately my fr and i realized our life like similar in probs... wahahah... and we keep repeating the same 'advice' on each other... kinda irritating though...
gonna flood the blog with lame pics i took.... yea... again... but hey... when's the last time i did tat?